Florida Trip (part 1)

Here’s our troopers on the plane to Orlando, Florida!
The first fun outing we did was visit the ultimate petting zoo called Green Meadows Petting Farm. Obviously, Lyla loved it!


pot-belly pigs


baby chick (4 days old)

This chickie is lucky to still have its head.


Lyla milked a cow!

guinea pig

Pearl and mama on the train ride ๐Ÿ™‚

pot-belly cow

Lyla’s first pony ride!

hay ride

miniature chicken
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Catch Up

Been awhile since I’ve blogged…these two little girls sure keep me busy! Loving being a mama. ๐Ÿ™‚ Here’s a catch-all, catch-up post.

Lyla is doing pretty well on the potty. We try to put her on there after meals as often as we can. She has had success several times! We are hoping that she starts to figure it out, and that she’ll learn to communicate to us when she needs to go. I have been praying for a long time that Lyla will eventually be potty trained!

Pearlie with her busy little hands. ๐Ÿ™‚

With the awesome weather we’ve been having, Joel and I got a chance to go out on the river fishing! Fun to have time just with my sweetie. (Grandma had the girls-thanks Carol!)

Here is my sweet niece Naomi. She is playing the piano that we had growing up. That is the piano I learned to play on, and took 8 years of lessons on! I am so glad it is staying in the family, and I hope my 3 nieces will be able to learn to play on it too. I guess Naomi really likes it already! Please keep Naomi in your prayers. She is my youngest niece who is behind developmentally, but the doctors really cannot find anything wrong. She started crawling about a month ago, which was an awesome milestone! I think she just has her own little timeline, and I am praying that she will just catch up. I know that it is stressful for my brother and sis-in-law to not have any answers. They continue to trust the Lord in her development.

And here is my beautiful Aunt Rita and my beautiful Grandma Anita (Gramma Nita). If you think of it, send up up a prayer for them too! My Aunt Rita is battling breast cancer and my grandma is battling multiple myeloma (a type of bone cancer). Don’t they look great though? You’d never know their health struggles by looking at them! Love you both so much!

And one more of the Pearlie girlie ๐Ÿ™‚
She is such a sweet little girl. She sleeps through the night every night now. She is really starting to like toys–reaching for them and batting at them intentionally. She will play on her own for a half hour! She loves her sister and even smiles at her. She does a lot of full-faced smiling now, and we love it! She also fi ds her fingers and likes to suck on them–maybe she’ll be a finger-sucker like her sister was. I think she is looking more and more like her daddy. ๐Ÿ™‚
And that’s all for now!
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We had such a nice visit with Joel’s aunt and uncle the other day. Pearl got to meet them for the first time! ๐Ÿ™‚

Aunt Colleen

Lyla loved their dog!

Uncle Daniel
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