July in Review

Pearl is sitting up so well these days!

Holding hands ๐Ÿ™‚

Lyla love, love, loves the new pool in town!
We have been frequenting it to help beat the heat.

Our dear friends Mark & Karn had a healthy, beautiful baby girl! Her name is Maggie and she is a miracle, as they were told they wouldn’t be able to have children. God is good. ๐Ÿ™‚

And here is Maggie’s big brother Nelson, wearing Joel’s glasses ๐Ÿ™‚

Grandpa and Pearlie with sissy’s hat on funny ๐Ÿ™‚

Our 7 year anniversary dinner…yum

Super Daddy

Sitting on a dock on the Mississippi…it was a beautiful evening to enjoy God’s creation

Lyla likes going in Daddy’s bow case ๐Ÿ™‚

Movie night with Grandma & Grandpa

the doe and fawn who live in our backyard

4th of July

This is how Lyla fell asleep one afternoon…too much fun will do that to a girl. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lyla playing with her friend Evan

My friend Susan and her three kids came for a visit~we had lots of fun and craziness with five kids in the house!

Louella, Pearl, Lyla, and Vivianna (Grayson was sleeping)

Lyla went on the pony ride at the fair!
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6 months old

Well, our little Pearlie girl is 6 months old already! Here’s what she’s been up to lately…

-Her 2 bottom teeth have come in so she chews on anything and everything she can get her hands on, including her toes!
-She loves to stick out her tongue and crack us up when she does it.
-She’s a very content baby and she smiles easily.
-She loves to play with her toys~her hands are always busy, busy.
-She’s very observant and notices everything going on around her~doesn’t miss a beat!
-She loves to be where all the action is!
-She’s still not a big fan of tummy time~she rolls right to her back as soon as possible.
-She’s also not a fan of rice cereal yet, but we’re working on that.
-She loves to make lots of squeaky sounds, and squeal when she’s excited or happy.
-She loves to play patty-cake and clap.
-She also loves tummy zerberts and daddy’s whisker tickles.
-She loves books and kicks her feet like crazy when we read because she’s excited. Hope she’s a reader some day!
-She’s getting very quick at pulling hair and pulling glasses off.
-She’s starting to enjoy dropping things just to hear the sound it makes.
-She’s starting to reach for mama when I put my arms out to her.
-She still loves her pacifier and her soft blankies.
-She looks a lot like her daddy and is very entertained by her big sis.
-I call her my little flea-flea because she’s still just little. ๐Ÿ™‚

Love her to pieces.
And here’s a few pics from our summer so far…

This is what I saw when I walked into Lyla’s room one morning. I was cracking up for a good ten minutes, and so was she. What a nut!

Lyla’s new kiddie pool

Rainbow toes!

My parents and us at Beaver Creek–so beautiful there!

This is the spot where Joel and I got engaged. ๐Ÿ™‚

Big stuff in the high chair, ready to try some rice cereal.

Pool fun with cousin Ethan. ๐Ÿ™‚

Large, medium, small…it’s fun having girls ๐Ÿ™‚
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Fun with Friends

My friend Tanya and her kids, Haley and Jack, came for a visit over the weekend. It was a scorcher of a weekend so it was perfect for lots of pool fun. ๐Ÿ™‚

neighborhood “pool party” in our front yard ๐Ÿ™‚

Lyla likes the pool even when there’s no water in it!

Fun with Joel

Boog & Dag (our nicknames for each other when we were tennis partners for many, many years!) ๐Ÿ™‚

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This & That

Sitting up ๐Ÿ™‚

Pearl loves napping on Daddy

At Beaver Creek–the spot where Joel and I got engaged

Grandma and her girls

Pearl’s first time in the johnny jump-up
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His Grace Alone

Before I launch into some great news, here are a few cute pics and vids as of late…

Lyla and her cousin Ethan playing with the toys at Grandma & Grandpa’s house ๐Ÿ™‚

Pearlie-girlie being smiley

Walking at Riverside (Lyla loves the fountain, and Pearl was intrigued by it too)

Pearl in the morning ๐Ÿ™‚
Well, Lyla had a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday. Her doctors were stunned that she is walking independently, and amazed that she is talking and imitating so many words. Dr. Jedele told us that it just doesn’t happen–Trisomy 18 kids rarely survive, much less walk, and talk! She said it’s usually a big deal for them to be able to sit in a wheelchair. The part that brought tears for this mama was that Lyla’s doctor, for the first time, told us that she has no reason to doubt that Lyla will have a long, healthy life. God is so good to us. I am humbled by God’s grace, and give Him all the credit for the miracle of Lyla Jane. We were also pretty excited to hear that Lyla is most likely one of the healthiest Trisomy 18 kids in the entire country. God is so good to us. It is by His grace alone that Lyla is with us today and doing so, so well. Thank you for your prayers.
We sang this song in church on Sunday and it touched my heart. God’s grace has been given so freely and undeservedly. It is by His grace alone that we have been given the privilege to be the parents of two amazing girls. It is by His grace alone that we have been given the privilege of being called His children. We are forever grateful.

Grace Alone (by Scott Wesley Brown, Jeff Nelson)

Every promise we can make,

Every prayer and step of faith,

Every difference we can make,

Is only by His grace.

Every mountain we will climb,

Every ray of hope we shine,

Every blessing left behind,

Is only by His grace.

Grace alone Which God supplies.

Strength unknown He will provide.

Christ in us, our cornerstone,

We will go forth in grace alone.

Every soul we long to reach,

Every heart we hope to teach,

Everywhere we share His peace,

Is only by His grace.

Every loving word we say,

Every tear we wipe away,

Every sorrow turned to praise,

Is only by His grace.

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Sea World! (Florida trip part 3)

So here’s the story about Sea World…
My friend Tracie who lives in Orlando has season passes to Sea World and goes there pretty frequently with her two little ones. She heard that Sea World is really good about providing special experiences for kids with disabilities, so she contacted Sea World’s HR person and told her Lyla’s story. Because of Lyla’s Trisomy 18 we got 5 free passes into Sea World for our family and my parents (at $75 a pop, that was a very nice gift!) and Lyla got to have a special “behind the scenes” animal encounter with a penguin! It was such a great experience, and we are so thankful that Tracie paved the way for such a special day! She and her kids were with us all day and she helped guide us around the park too. ๐Ÿ™‚ Lyla really did love all the animals there. She’s kind of an animal nut!
Penguin encounter–his name is Jules ๐Ÿ™‚

His feathers were so neat

Lyla was trying to get down so she could pet the penguin more ๐Ÿ™‚

Tracie, Ava, and Isaac with Jules

Lyla also got to pet some baby sharks–she didn’t mind at all when they splashed her with salt water!

Shamu–the Shamu show is a little less entertaining than it used to be because the trainers cannot get in the water with the killer whales ever since the bad incident a few years ago.


We all loved the dolphin show, especially Lyla. It was so entertaining!

Lyla loved petting the stingrays–she cried pretty hard when we had to leave them!

Ava, Tracie, Isaac, Pearl, Jenny, Lyla–sure had fun with these guys!
And a special thank you to my parents for helping this special trip become a reality. If it weren’t for the great deal we got on the timeshare we never could have afforded it. Also, they helped so much with the girls. We love you Mom & Dad (Grandma & Papa)! xoxo

Also, thought I’d add a video that Joel took when he visited Silver Glenn Springs–so beautiful!
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