Little Things

Here are just a few of the little things that we love about Lyla Jane…

The way she wrinkles her forehead like her daddy.
The way she snores (listen closely!)

Her pretty eyelashes.

The way her hair gets fuzzy after a bath.
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Her baby mullet.  🙂

Her big blue eyes.

Her elvish ears (note the tiny tuft of hair on her ear)

Her angel kiss birthmark.
We are amazed to know that the God who created the entire universe is familiar with each hair on her head.  He’s familiar with every tiny detail that He took the time to create in her.
Matthew 10:29-31  “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
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Sleepy Time

We found Lyla like this–sound asleep and all stretched out.  What a cutie.

Little Angel
PS–Lyla rolled over from her tummy to her back the other day!  So thanks for your prayers for her muscle strength and tone. 
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Grandpa John

Lyla just loves the sound of Grandpa’s deep voice.  And recently we’ve discovered that one of her favorite places to fall asleep is right on Grandpa’s tummy.  🙂
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Lyla video

So I finally figured out how to get video from our camcorder and my phone onto the blog.  I’m super pumped about it!
Lyla’s morning work-out.  🙂

The quality is not great because I shot it with my phone, but I thought it was still pretty cute.
There will be more to come…
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2 Months Old

Happy Birthday sweet Lyla Jane! Today she is 2 months old and is doing great. She had another doctor’s appointment yesterday. She is now a whopping 8 lbs 2 oz! She gained exactly a pound since her last appointment. She is just about 21 inches long now too. Dr. Jedele continues to be amazed at her development and at how well she is doing. Lyla is our little tiger–she refuses to fit the mold. Thank you Jesus! Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. They certainly are being heard and answered. 🙂

Here’s her progress report and some of the new things she’s doing:
-she’s cooing more and more (so cute!)
-she continues to have better head control–can hold the noggin up for a few seconds at a time
-she tracks items of interest to her (brightly colored things and familiar faces) with her eyes and head
-she’s starting to half-smile in response to things that amuse her
-she’s getting close to rolling over (almost rolled herself off the exam table at her doctor’s appointment yesterday!)
-her eyelashes are getting quite long and pretty, and the hair on top of her head is starting to catch up with the hair on the back of her head!
-she’s growing a bit of a pot belly and a little double chin 🙂
-about the gagging issue–Dr. Jedele said that she is no different than any other newborn in that respect–we just need to keep her more upright after she eats for about 30 min.
-everything else looks good according to the doctor! She continues to be an absolute bundle of cuteness and sweetness every day.
*A specific thing you could pray for her would be that her muscle tone and strength continue to improve. Thanks!*
Also, Lyla got 3 shots in her legs yesterday–Mom couldn’t watch but Dad did and said her little face looked just shocked. 🙁  But she stopped being bugged by it about an hour afterward and hasn’t been fussy at all since. What a trooper, as usual.
The Birthday Girl!

She’s doing a birthday dance 🙂

Look at those red eyebrows!

We give God all the glory for the amazing things He is doing in Lyla and our lives. Thought these verses were fitting–
“I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:1-2
“I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Psalm 18: 1-2
He truly is our strength, our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, our refuge, our shield, our stronghold.

Uncle Foz and Lyla’s hands
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I don’t know about you, but Joel and I tend to watch a lot more movies in the winter, simply because we’re indoors more (especially this winter when it seems like every day it’s either snowing or below zero).  There aren’t too many movies that we’ve seen that are really very inspiring.  However, recently we’ve viewed two movies that are excellent.  I was so inspired by them that I felt the need to make a post about them!  They are Young At Heart and Expelled.  

Young At Heart is about a choir of senior citizens that travels internationally performing modern rock songs.  You will laugh, you will cry, but mostly you’ll laugh. 🙂 

Expelled is by Ben Stein and is based on the debate between Darwinism and Intelligent Design.  It will surprise you and make you think.

These explanations may not sound extremely riveting, but the movies are.  I hope you will go and rent them if you haven’t already!      
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Daddy’s Girl

Daddy loves when his girl wears camo…

Auntie Bryana customized it 🙂

Big yawn!

One of Lyla’s many funny faces.  Sometimes she keeps her lips like this for a couple minutes.  She makes us giggle. 🙂  
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