Four Years!

Lyla is FOUR years old today!  I remember well that chilly Black Friday when I went in for an appointment with Dr. Kuffel and soon learned that we would be meeting our daughter that day, via c-section.  Three days later our world came crashing in ~ we were told that our precious baby girl has a devastating condition called Trisomy 18, and to cherish every moment with her because she wasn’t long for this world.  If you would have told me, on that day, that I would be celebrating a 4th birthday with our healthy, walking, talking, sweet, beautiful daughter, I probably wouldn’t have believed you.  But God had other plans…

Lyla’s life is a testament to God’s healing power.  I know that Lyla is with us to be a display of God’s glory, love, power, and beauty.  I was reminded of this when I read these verses in the gospel of John, when Jesus healed a blind man ~

“As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth.  His disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ ‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.’ “

The work of God is being displayed in Lyla’s life, and we praise HIM for it!

Birthday cake that Auntie Bryana made ~ Lyla will be having a Wiggles Birthday Party! 

 Oufit from Auntie Bryana and Uncle Josh
 School treat today!
Ready for school ๐Ÿ™‚
Some of the things she’s been doing lately:
-Saying lots and lots of words
-Identifying things without prompting (some of the most common ones are Daddy, baby, Elmo-“Melmo”, Wiggles-“Guggles”, sissy, shoe, hat, ball, Grandma, Grandpa, Papa)
-She’s getting better at going up and down steps and is starting to go up without help-she uses a railing to hold onto.
-Loves dancing and music
-Loves bath time with Pearl
-Loves the Wiggles, Elmo, and most recently Yo Gabba Gabba ๐Ÿ™‚
-She thinks it’s so funny when anyone sneezes, and will then “sneeze” herself–“Ah, ah, Achoo!” So cute.
-She is having pretty consistent success on the potty at school, and a little more hit or miss at home, but improving!
-Lyla is as sweet as ever, and always has a smile ready.
-It is so sweet how Lyla and Pearl’s relationship is developing.  They interact more and like to play side-by-side, to the point where they will find each other just to play next to (especially if they’re not at home).  They also act like sisters too when they both want the same toy.  Overall, they are very tolerant of each other and rarely get mad at each other.  It is apparent that they already have a special bond.  Love it!  ๐Ÿ™‚
Lyla is our miracle and is such a joy every single day.  Love you Lyla Jane!!!

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